Gay sim dating
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Top games tagged Dating Sim and LGBT -
Ignore this curator Remove ignore state Report this curator. Recent reviews. Recommended 27 December, Recommended 25 November, Recommended 4 November, Recommended 27 October, Recommended 14 May, Recommended 9 May, Recommended 6 April, Recommended 30 March, Recommended 27 January, Recommended 25 December, Informational 23 March. Play as a male character with three male romance options. Play in browser. Mesange Arts.
Same-sex relationship
Robin Morningwood Adventure. Grizzly Gamer Studio. Wolfstar Sins and Paradise.

Sin doesn't end in the afterlife. Can these two heroes save their immortal souls? Tennis Ace. A Gay Story. Come out in college!
Meet people, make friends, and maybe find a boyfriend? Coming Out Simulator Nicky Case! Dream Savior Gakuen - ReDraw. Your a bullied, troubled, depressed, poor kid that gets a chance to have a better life by getting help from a demon.
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The Secrets. Yuu Yuki.
The Shadow of Oberbaum Bridge - With fixed endings! This is because one of the main ways of generating currency and furthering quest objectives in the game is by revealing secrets, around 1 in 5 of which are only accessible after attaining a Level 4 romantic relationship with a new character. Interestingly, jealousy does not seem to play a role in this spin-off, and the player character is actively encouraged to form romantic attachments with literally every Sim they encounter to unlock all secrets in the game.
Two female Sims kissing in the trailer of The Sims 3: University Life. In The Sims 3 and The Sims Medieval , marriage is available to any couple in a romantic relationship, and Sims of either gender will recognize their spouse as "husband" or "wife".
As in The Sims 2 , same-sex couples can go steady with one another and get engaged in the same way as opposite-sex couples. If Generations is installed, two teens of the same sex may autonomously go to the prom together as dates. If Showtime is installed, wishing for love from the Genie will result in a dialog box giving the Sim the option to choose the gender of their prospective lover. This was the first time in The Sims Series that same-sex couples have been able to have biological children. Aside from the genetic resemblance, engineering a baby still functions more like an adoption than a pregnancy, in that the child arrives instantly and there is no gestation period or option to carry the baby like in a natural pregnancy even if one or both of the parents are female.
In The Sims 3 , all young adult, adult, and elder Sims who have not lost a child to the Social Worker can adopt by using the "Call for Services" option on a telephone. If the Sim who calls the adoption agency is married, their partner will be considered the co-parent of the adopted child, and will receive a line on the family tree.
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Adoption is not available in The Sims Medieval. In The Sims 4 , marriage is also available to any couple in a romantic relationship, and Sims of either gender will recognize their spouse as "husband" or "wife". In The Sims 4 , all young adult, adult, and elder Sims can adopt by using the interaction "Household All teens and older Sims can go back into Create-A-Sim via testingcheats or simply "Change Sim" on a mirror, dresser or closet and customize their gender to be able to impregnate or be impregnated, so same-sex couples can have biological children.
This was most likely to include transgender Sims who, if they are in a same-sex relationship with a cisgender Sim, can still have biological children, as this is the only way same-sex couples can biologically have kids in real life.