Gay speed dating events
Chat up our Hosts for tips or simply to ask, which direction the bar is in!. Simply jot down your potential 'Date-Mates' at the bottom of your Scorecard and we'll take care of the rest.
For those who garner matches, you will be notified via e-mail within 24 hours of the event ending of your 'Date-Mate' results. Alas, the event is over but the night has just begun. Feel free to stay as long as you would like to mingle further. All we need are the 'Date-Mate' Scorecards to determine if love is in the air for you.
With a British sensibility and simplicity, we offer uncompromising value with unparalleled service. Lovely venues and our lovely Hosts to assist you with anything or anyone.
Gay Speed Dating - Male
It is American Speed Dating with an English touch. Rewarding lovely daters with discounts and complimentary events while saying no thank you to anyone we don't think you'll fancy meeting. Do the British Really Do it Better?

Most speed dating parties are a bit like being at a college job fair. Do you have to be British to attend? Absolutely not! We are British founded and inspired but our daters are just like you. What type of people can I expect to meet? We tend to draw a crowd that is intelligent and amusing, sophisticated and adventurous, while always being cheeky.
Urban Connections
We are in part defined by our venues and our crowd reflects such. How do I reserve my place? Simply register online and you're all set! No paper tickets are required. You will be sent a confirmation from us and your name will be noted on our Guest List. Do you screen your speed daters? In the 11 years we have had the pleasure of serving daters we've noticed the nicer a dater is to us, our hosts and each other, the more matches they get.
Those that tend to see the good in everything and everyone - are just what we and our daters are looking for. If we don't think a dater is someone that fellow daters would get on with - we'll respectfully decline service and reserve the right to do so.
Are you affiliated with any 'Meet-Up' groups? We think 'Meet-Up' is a lovely free service that gives those of similar interests the opportunity to connect. We do question businesses that promote their events through "Meet-Up" groups - only to redirect you to their own website. Some companies tout that they partner with many organizations including Craigslist offerings and 'Meet-Up' groups for their events.
Men's Gay Speed Dating | San Antonio | General Services | Community Services
We do not. What happens if the event is sold out? We wish we could accommodate everyone! Unfortunately, the fun goes quick! Also, it is a good idea to keep checking back on our website as sometimes reservations become available at the last minute. We are continually updating our event calendar. What time should I show up for the Event? Published start times can be found in the event description. Please try to avoid doing anything unsafe in your attempt to arrive to the event on time - we do like to wait for all participants to arrive.
This may cause an event to start late but we feel a perfect opportunity to chat up the hosts, have a lovely refreshment and settle in. There were, as usual, too many bottoms! If I wanted to sail with the boys on this gay Noah's ark, I had to maybe fib to myself a little. The event, which was held in the confines of a cavernous bar downtown, had a surprisingly large turnout. I happened to be one of the first guys to register with the organizer, and I took the opportunity to grab a beer and watch the men herd into line to register like cattle to the slaughter. There was a drizzle of uneasy laughter from the men in line.
I looked at my name tag, which was peeling off already, as if it knew that the "T" written on it was all some horrible lie. Get a couple of drinks in you and what are you? You're gayer than Judy Garland's Christmas ornaments. You're a sham! Once everyone had registered, our organizer separated us into our respective groups.
Come over here! And just like that, there we were: It was like a nightmarish game of dodgeball that would air on LOGO. I was surprised to see that of the ish men there, only three including me were dressed up. Far too many of the men, who were essentially about to go on at least 15 first dates, were wearing T-shirts and tank tops.
SpeedSydney Gay Dating & Matchmaking
Whereas I tried to look as though I had just gotten off my fancy job as a writer, a majority of the men looked as though they had just left their shift at Aeropostale. Had all these men lost hope?
Why were they dressed like that dude from high school who always tries to sell you knives when you run into him every trip back home? If you learn anything from me at all, it's that you should always dress how you want to feel, not how you actually feel. To be blunt, most of the men on either side including me were average-looking -- sometimes aggressively so. Tripsavvy uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. By using Tripsavvy, you accept our.
Share Pin Email. Once or twice a month, usually Wednesdays or Thursdays. Once or twice a month, usually Saturdays. Femme for Femme Speed Dating. Periodically next event Sunday, December 19, Single Mingle — Boys Night Out.