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Arts and culture. Seven deadly sins of the digital world. HIV Without condoms I don't feel he's safe What's happening with STIs? G-ay from WA! Four things to ask every guy you meet online, before you hook up. How to buy PrEP — even if you can't afford it. How to buy PrEP online for personal importation. The important question nobody is asking about sexual health. Film and TV.
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Everything you need to know about Hepatitis outbreaks: A quick prick does the trick - all about rapid HIV testing. Feed your brain! Ten podcasts you need in your life. PrEP one step closer to becoming affordable and available to all Australians. How I lost 25kg… and kept it off. Gay dating in your 50s. Three great gay movies to watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Flagging for some hanky panky - The gay handkerchief code and its unusual origins. Could it be HIV? Recognising the signs and symptoms of HIV seroconversion illness.
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What's up with withdrawal? Pulling out all the stops to prevent HIV. A Pride pilgrimage through the Northern Territory. Five tips to follow if you think you might have an STI. Five cities to party in before you die. Four reasons why: Figuring out if PrEP is right for you. Three quick and healthy snacks to keep you energised on a party weekend. Host or travel? How I find friends in unexpected places. Wanna compare tools? Here's how safe sex choices measure up down under. October 28 is Canberra Fair Day. Why you should get vaccinated against HPV.
Pills, pricks and pleasure - firm safety advice for medicated hard-ons. Everything you need to know about Chlamydia. How to become a better power bottom at the gym. Tickets, money, passport, PrEP! September is Brisbane Pride! How to get the perfect sized condom online, custom-made to fit you.

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To be determined. I love being around him I love what we have.