Gay on top
In this study, men some gay, some straight were recruited online and at a Canadian Pride festival to complete a survey.
- A Gay Man Explains How To Tell If He's A Top Or A Bottom.
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- A Gay Man Explains How To Tell If He's A Top Or A Bottom.
They were asked about their sexual orientation, their recalled degree of gender non-conformity in childhood, the extent to which their right vs. Overall, 43 percent of these gay men said they preferred bottoming, 31 percent reported being versatile, and 26 percent preferred topping. The bottom and versatile men were grouped together for analyses because it turned out they were extremely similar to one another in handedness and gender non-conformity.
The results replicated previous studies in that gay men demonstrated more non-right handedness and reported higher levels of childhood gender non-conformity than straight men. Tops were still more gender non-conforming on average than straight men, though. This is where things get really interesting: This suggests that gay men's anal sex role preferences are rooted, to some degree, in their biology.
In other words, although tops and bottoms both have the same sexual orientation, they may arrive at that orientation via very different biological pathways. Further, the results also suggested that this difference in handedness between tops and bottoms partially explains why they differed in gender non-conformity. Though fascinating, this study like any study has its limitations, including the fact that the sample wasn't representative among other things, the vast majority of participants were white.
In addition, it doesn't answer the why question: There's also just a heck of a lot of individual variability.
Are You a Top or a Bottom? Here's How to Find Out
You can be gay and a bottom, but still be right-handed and extremely masculine. It's easy to point to exceptions to the pattern reported in this study, but that doesn't necessarily undermine it. Remember that this research is still very preliminary and that the handedness part may be just one small piece of the puzzle.
What all of this tells us is that understanding the origin of sexual orientation is a very complicated matter. While there's still a lot we don't know, what the research suggests is that there seem to be different kinds of homosexuality that have different causes. It also suggests that the search for a simple answer to the question of why some people are gay—like the elusive "gay gene"—is one that's likely to prove futile. J ustin Lehmiller is the director of the social psychology program at Ball State University, a faculty affiliate of the Kinsey Institute, and author of the blog Sex and Psychology.
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Miller argues that gay men should examine their relationship with power. Where do you align when it comes to being dominant or submissive?
One way to question this, he posits, is to approach something other than penetrative sex. If you received the kiss, you're the submissive one.
Are You a Top or Bottom? Here's How to Find Out
There is no aspect of sex that doesn't have, at its core, an aspect of power. So part of the thing that you have to ask yourself is, 'What am I comfortable with? Do I like initiating sex? Do I like telling my partner what to do, or do I like being told what to do?

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