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None of this is new, of course. Maybe you end up with a friend out of it, or at least something that becomes a positive social experience. It sucks, but what are you gonna do? But the downside is that they put all this prejudice out there. What the apps reinforce, or perhaps simply accelerate, is the adult version of what Pachankis calls the Best Little Boy in the World Hypothesis.

As kids, growing up in the closet makes us more likely to concentrate our self-worth into whatever the outside world wants us to be—good at sports, good at school, whatever. As adults, the social norms in our own community pressure us to concentrate our self-worth even further—into our looks, our masculinity, our sexual performance. Then we wake up at 40, exhausted, and we wonder, Is that all there is? And then the depression comes. He has published four books on gay culture and has interviewed men dying of HIV, recovering from party drugs and struggling to plan their own weddings.

He sat Halkitis and his husband down on the couch and announced he was gay. James grew up in Queens, a beloved member of a big, affectionate, liberal family. He went to a public school with openly gay kids.

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Over the years, James had convinced himself that he would never come out. So I thought those were my two options: James remembers the exact moment he decided to go into the closet. He must have been 10 or 11, dragged on a vacation to Long Island by his parents. I realize, the second he says it, that he is describing the same revelation I had at his age, the same grief. Mine was in Halkitis says his was in So what are we supposed to do about it?

When we think of marriage laws or hate crime prohibitions, we tend to think of them as protections of our rights. One of the most striking studies I found described the spike in anxiety and depression among gay men in and , the years when 14 states passed constitutional amendments defining marriage as being between a man and a woman. Gay men in those states showed a 37 percent increase in mood disorders, a 42 percent increase in alcoholism and a percent increase in generalized anxiety disorder. The laws were symbolic. They increased though less dramatically among gay people across the entire country.

The campaign to make us suffer worked.

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Now square that with the fact that our country recently elected a bright orange Demogorgon whose administration is publicly, eagerly attempting to reverse every single gain the gay community has made in the last 20 years. Any discussion of gay mental health has to start with what happens in schools. Only around 30 percent of school districts in the country have anti-bullying policies that specifically mention LGBTQ kids, and thousands of other districts have policies that prevent teachers from speaking about homosexuality in a positive way. These restrictions make it so much harder for kids to cope with their minority stress.

For the last four years, Nicholas Heck, a researcher at Marquette University, has been running support groups for gay kids in high schools. He walks them through their interactions with their classmates, their teachers and their parents, and tries to help them separate garden-variety teenage stress from the kind they get due to their sexuality.

One of his kids, for example, was under pressure from his parents to major in art rather than finance. His parents meant well—they were just trying to encourage him into a field where he would encounter fewer homophobes—but he was already anxious: If he gave up on finance, was that surrendering to stigma?

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If he went into art and still got bullied, could he tell his parents about it? The trick, Heck says, is getting kids to ask these questions openly, because one of the hallmark symptoms of minority stress is avoidance. Kids hear derogatory comments in the hall so they decide to walk down another one, or they put in earbuds. They ask a teacher for help and get shrugged off, so they stop looking for safe adults altogether.

But the kids in the study, Heck says, are already starting to reject the responsibility they used to take on when they got bullied. So for kids, the goal is to hunt out and prevent minority stress. But what can be done for those of us who have already internalized it? People who feel rejected are more likely to self-medicate, which makes them more likely to have risky sex, which makes them more likely to contract HIV, which makes them more likely to feel rejected, and so on. A cluster of health problems, none of which can be fixed on their own. Simply pointing out these patterns yielded huge results: There will always be more straight kids than gay kids, we will always be isolated among them, and we will always, on some level, grow up alone in our families and our schools and our towns.

Our distance from the mainstream may be the source of some of what ails us, but it is also the source of our wit, our resilience, our empathy, our superior talents for dressing and dancing and karaoke. We have to recognize that as we fight for better laws and better environments—and as we figure out how to be better to each other. I keep thinking of something Paul, the software developer, told me: But the fact is, we are different.

Twitter Facebook Subscribe. March 02, Whether we recognize it or not, our bodies. For more stories that stay with you, subscribe to our newsletter. So I thought those were my two options. It's like the fucking jungle. We're not kidding. You should subscribe.

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Our distance from the mainstream is also the source of our wit, our resilience,. Story - Michael Hobbes. Photo credits: Cover image: Inline images: More Stories. One Huge Secret. That night I again set out the sofabed and we went to bed, and I was confident that it was closed out and settled. I confess, for the first few bleary moments I went with it, but it was only that. My brain realised where I was and what was going on and I felt shocked and This time she had a new story. She had become pregnant last year, and she asked her husband if she should have an abortion.

Again, I had no idea how to handle this. For what? Because I seemed like a future partner? Because she wanted to get out of China? Because she wanted a divorce? I took a deep breath and tried to calm her down. Then, again, I let her sleep in the bed with me.

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I know how that sounds, and I feel like such a moron even typing it out. The next morning turned out to be our last time together. I had barely slept, taking every slight shift or sound shocking me awake and check my surroundings. I was jittery as we prepared for the day; I was set to take her over to one of the beaches.

I was trying to stay upbeat and energised despite my brain having a thousand conflicting sensations at once. I just want to go about our business and go to the beach and last night She proceeded to go into the bathroom and slam the door, blasting sad Chinese music from her phone as she took a half-hour shower. I did not want anything bad to happen to her especially under my supposed watch.

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After a few knocks she emerged, saying she was fine but looking despondent. As I gathered my things for our outing yes, I was still trying to be a host , she grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me towards the wall.

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    I still don't know how to categorise what happened, how much sympathy to have for her situation, how much anger I should have. Could it even? If you have your own story to share, please drop us a note. Update from a reader who also experienced unwanted sexual aggression while living abroad:. I very much enjoyed the article on female sexual predators , though it was a little difficult to get through.

    I find that even using language to express sexual predation is difficult for men. I experienced what I call unwanted, repeated, systemic sexual advances when I was an English teaching assistant for [a prominent U. I taught at a low-performing public high school in rural Malaysia. The male choir teacher and a wheelchair-bound female secretary made a difficult placement exponentially more so. I received strange texts, invitations, poems, and at times, unwanted touching and intentional isolation during my year.

    For a woman, they could reliably use the language of harassment or stalking. There are legal as well as social definitions for these behaviors. I was told as much by our gay male coordinator.