In love with a gay man
Some women love and want to be partners with a man and some women love and want to be partners with a woman.
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What does that mean? Will your answer be about name-calling, defining what it means to be gay, different kinds of families or some combination of answers? A person who loves, in a very special way, someone who is the same gender. For example, a gay man wants to be involved with and love another man. A gay person may choose to have a special relationship with someone and share a home and have a family together.
Share This: Download What Does "Gay" Mean? There is not one right answer: Keep it simple: Focus on love and relationships: Think about what messages you want to share: All people deserve respect. Rik Isensee.
Ask Ammanda: I'm gay but I've fallen in love with a straight man
Product details Paperback: English ISBN Print edition purchase must be sold by Amazon. Learn more. Thousands of books are eligible, including current and former best sellers. Look for the Kindle MatchBook icon on print and Kindle book detail pages of qualifying books. Print edition must be purchased new and sold by Amazon. Gifting of the Kindle edition at the Kindle MatchBook price is not available.
Learn more about Kindle MatchBook. Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention gay men gay relationships easy to read reading this book good information relationships travis understanding gay travis book book on relationships relationship dating guide helpful healthy advice insightful couples depth important insight.
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Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Paperback Verified Purchase. I received this today and read it in around 1 hour. It's that slight. It's a very slight re-hash of something that a child could tell you plus some ridiculous stuff like how to have a "foursome. This isn't worth the paper it's written on. I can't believe the person who wrote this is a professional medical person.
Take my advice.
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- I'm An Otherwise Straight Man (Who Fell In Love With His Best Friend).
Stay away from this awful, fourth rate idea a book on relationships. There are far better books out there. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Yes, not a book for everyone, but it so happens that I co-authored a book with a gay man a few years ago, and knowing him and calling him friend has meant a lot to me. Travis' book would be such a great read, if only people could move out of their comfort zone and accept this phenomenon homosexuality as biological, and not a "choice.
I felt the book would be a great manual for almost anyone thinking about relationship, even though the focus is on the gay community. But as the author said Yet, those with tender hearts, compassion, and a love for all will feel the love in these pages. I am very glad I read it. Don't expect anything in depth from this book. Its clearly a self published book with no supporting evidence or even any research involved.
I am a psychotherapist and was looking for a decent book to use with clients. It also plays into stereotypes and seems a bit dated.
Nothing to learn here. It's some psychologist who had several patients with obvious issues and then talks about it in this small book that could have been a pamphlet. Okay that was harsh, but really the book was no longer than a book report. The title states it's a guide, but it's really just unfocused with a few pointers that we already know. No ah-ha moment of any kind. One person found this helpful. This book was easy to read with a lot of good information. It does seem to be more aimed toward someone starting a new relationship, or just entering into the dating scene.
I've been win my partner for more than 20 years, so my interests and issues weren't really covered in this book. I would recommend his book to others who are interested in starting a new relationship, or are entering the dating scene.
What Does "Gay" Mean? | Welcoming Schools
There are lots of excerpts from clients and interviewed couples that I found refreshing, honest, and helpful. I wasn't percent sure want to make of this book when I first found it but once I started I found it to be a very intriguing read and could not put it down, I managed to read it in one sitting! It contains a wealth of knowledge on understanding and building better relationships whether they are homosexual or hetrosexual. The book gives a lot of insight on gay relationships and also gives some very good info and resources for any gay men looking to start a meaningful relationship with that special someone.
I highly recommend taking a look at this book. No book could substitute the services of a good Psychotherapist but Dr.
Travis gives great insight into the basics and what you can do to achieve a meaningful relationship. Although written to help gay men make informed decisions, the advice on relationships can be applied to any preference. In looking for a suitor, we see imperfections in others and maybe not wonder what they see in us?

We now get a bigger picture. Similarities and differences are covered between heterosexual and homosexual relationships. A reader from any background will find this fascinating. Very informative for a friend, relative or coworker who is not familiar with the gay culture.