Queer vs. gay
The assumption that all people are or should be heterosexual. Heterosexism excludes the needs, concerns, and life experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer people while it gives advantages to heterosexual people. It is often a subtle form of oppression, which reinforces realities of silence and erasure. A sexual orientation in which a person feels physically and emotionally attracted to people of a gender other than their own. An outdated term to describe a sexual orientation in which a person feels physically and emotionally attracted to people of the same gender.
Historically, it was a term used to pathologize gay and lesbian people. Internalized oppression: One form of internalized oppression is the acceptance of the myths and stereotypes applied to the oppressed group. Intersectionality looks at the relationships between multiple marginalized identities and allows us to analyze social problems more fully, shape more effective interventions, and promote more inclusive advocacy amongst communities.
Adjective used to describe the experience of naturally that is, without any medical intervention developing primary or secondary sex characteristics that do not fit neatly into society's definitions of male or female. Intersex is an umbrella term and there are around 20 variations of intersex that are included in this umbrella term. Intersex people are relatively common, although society's denial of their existence has allowed very little room for intersex issues to be discussed publicly.
Hermaphrodite is an outdated and inaccurate term that has been used to describe intersex people in the past. Kinky, Kinkiness Most commonly referred to as unconventional sexual practices, from which people derive varying forms of pleasure and consensually play-out various forms of desire, fantasies and scenes.
Leather community: A community, which encompasses those who are into leather, sado-masochism, bondage and domination, uniform, cowboys, rubber, and other fetishes. Although the leather community is often associated with the queer community, it is not a "gay-only" community. A woman whose primary sexual and affectional orientation is toward people of the same gender. Abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender.
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An umbrella term that is often used to refer to the community as a whole. The practice of confronting heterosexism, sexism, genderism, allosexism, and monosexism in oneself and others out of self-interest and a concern for the well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual people. Masculine of Center: Masculine of center MOC is a term, coined by B. Can occur when using pronouns, gendered language i.
GLAAD Media Reference Guide - Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual Glossary Of Terms | GLAAD
The belief in and systematic privileging of monosexuality as superior, and the systematic oppression of non-monosexuality. People who have romantic, sexual, or affectional desire for one gender only. Heterosexuality and homosexuality are the most well-known forms of monosexuality. Neurodiversity is a natural and valuable form of human diversity. It refers to the infinite variation of human brains, minds and neurocognitive functioning within our species. Diversity is a trait possessed by a group, not an individual.
The terms neurodivergent and neurodivergence were coined by Kassiane Asasumasu, a multiply neurodivergent neurodiversity activist. A non-binary gender identity that falls under the genderqueer or transgender umbrellas. There is no one definition of Neutrois , since each person that self-identifies as such experiences their gender differently.
The most common ones are: A gender identity and experience that embraces a full universe of expressions and ways of being that resonate for an individual. For some people who identify as non-binary there may be overlap with other concepts and identities like gender expansive and gender non-conforming. Possessing all genders. The term is used specifically to refute the concept of only two genders.
Individual Level: Institutional Level: Institutions such as family, government, industry, education, and religion are shapers of, as well as shaped by, the other two levels. The application of institutional policies and procedures in an oppressive society run by individuals or groups who advocate or collude with social oppression produces oppressive consequences. Some, but not all, types of attraction or orientation include: Pansexual, Omnisexual: Terms used to describe people who have romantic, sexual or affectional desire for people of all genders and sexes.
Historically this term has been used to inaccurately refer to systems oppression i. Sometimes used as an umbrella term for all forms of ethical, consensual, and loving non-monogamy. Polygender, Pangender: Exhibiting characteristics of multiple genders, deliberately refuting the concept of only two genders. Peggy McIntosh wrote about privilege as a white woman and developed an inventory of unearned privileges that she experienced in daily life because of her whiteness.
3 Differences Between the Terms ‘Gay’ and ‘Queer’ — and Why It Matters
Linguistic tools used to refer to someone in the third person. In English and some other languages, pronouns have been tied to gender and are a common site of misgendering attributing a gender to someone that is incorrect. One definition of queer is abnormal or strange. Some people have reclaimed the word queer and self identify as such. A social construct that divides people into distinct groups based on characteristics such as physical appearance, ancestral heritage, cultural affiliation, cultural history, ethnic classification, based on the social, economic, and political context of a society at a given period of time.
A personal or institutionalized system of beliefs and practices concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, often grounded in belief in and reverence for some supernatural power or powers; often involves devotional and ritual observances and contains a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. Romantic Orientation: Romantic Orientation is attraction or non-attraction to other people characterized by the expression or non-expression of love. Romantic orientation can be fluid and people use a variety of labels to describe their romantic orientation.
See also Orientation. Same Gender Loving: Sex is often assigned based on the appearance of the genitalia, either in ultrasound or at birth.
A safe space for LGBTQI and straight ally youth
The cultural, institutional, and individual set of beliefs and practices that privilege men, subordinate women, and devalue ways of being that are associated with women. The components of a person that include their biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual practices, etc. Sexual Orientation: Sexual Orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction or non-attraction to other people.
Sexual orientation can be fluid and people use a variety of labels to describe their sexual orientation. Fat oppression more specifically, highlights the ways that Fat people experience and navigate a world and institutions that are not built with their hxstories, needs and body size in mind.
What Does Queer Mean Anyway?
This often takes the form of labeling these bodies as unhealthy, undesirable, and lazy and fails to complicate narratives around health and healthy living. In addition, diet culture which is the normalization of weight loss, diet and exercise on a basis of weight based shaming and size based discrimination further perpetuate fat oppression. This form of oppression has been referred to as fatphobia.
To learn more about why we are moving away from using this term see Phobia in this glossary. Social Identities: Social identity groups are based on the physical, social, and mental characteristics of individuals. They are sometimes obvious and clear, sometimes not obvious and unclear, often self-claimed and frequently ascribed by others.

Social Justice: A goal and a process in which the distribution of resources is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure. Begins with an acknowledgement that oppression and inequity exist and must be actively dismantled on all levels. Socio-Economic Class: Social group membership based on a combination of factors including income, education level, occupation, and social status in the community, such as contacts within the community, group associations, and the community's perception of the family or individual.
A generalization applied to every person in a cultural group; a fixed conception of a group without allowing for individuality. The asterisk placed after Trans has been used in many different ways. Some folks think of it as being more inclusive towards gender non-conforming and non-binary folks. Trans man: A person may choose to identify this way to capture their gender identity as well as their lived experience as a transgender person. Trans woman: Not all trans people undergo medical transition surgery or hormones. Some commonly held definitions:. There are three general aspects to transitioning: A trans individual may transition in any combination, or none, of these aspects.
Queer theory is a field of post-structuralist critical theory that emerged in the early s out of the fields of queer studies and women's studies.