Gay dating for men with ed
Also, is there much difference between the rod and the balloons? When your prostate is removed, a section of your urethra goes with it. They stitch the urethra left in your penis back to the stub urethra still extending from your bladder and you wear a catheter of several weeks while it heals. During the surgery you also lose two of the three mechanisms valves the male anatomy has to control bladder flow. So many suffer from incontinence after the surgery too. For about 6 months after that I had stress incontinence where if I lifted something of any weight I would pass a drop or two.
I would also ejaculate during when I masturbated. However when I bottomed for a guy a few weeks ago, I have only had sex 3 times since surgery, the pillow that was under me had a wet spot about the size of my hand. I may need to get a device for that. I tried injections of a customized solution for about a year and I achieved erections that made masturbation easy, but I still was not able to penetrate.
Apparently I have venous leakage. Also while I can achieve an orgasm, the difference in intensity from intensity prior to surgery is substantial to huge. Sometimes I am not sure if I had one or not. One year ago, my relationship of 20 years ended horribly due to a combination of my dysfunction, clinical depression intensified by my dysfunction, and tensions over the way my ex spent money.
I moved miles and have started over on many levels. I am 58 BTW. With the baggage taken care of I now feel like getting back on the horse so to speak and becoming sexually active again. I had resigned myself to being a bottom, but my first encounter has kind of soured me to that. So I saw a new urologist this week and we discussed my history.

I held nothing back and one of the first questions I asked is how much do you know about gay sex. He immediately replied he has a surprising number of gay patients for a suburban doctor and I was not unique and that he had no issues. Then he stated some of them were led quite active sex lives. I felt immediately at ease. So what are my options at this point? He wants to inject me and verify that I have leakage as the insurance company will probably require it for authorization. The possible scores range from 5 to 25, and ED was classified into five categories based on the cutoff scores: The questionnaire was presented in a respondent-friendly manner, mostly as multiple choice questions.
Participants had to indicate the most corresponding answer. For most questions answering was mandatory in order to continue the survey. Only when they indicated not having used PDE5 inhibitors for erectile dysfunction, were the three questions concerning the use of the substances skipped automatically.
A Dating Site for Men with Erectile Dysfunction? - The Good Men Project
In total, the questionnaire consisted of 90 questions. Visitors of the website were motivated to participate and to complete all the questions correctly. Therefore, the activation of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of the respondents was used. We pointed out the importance of this survey to improve equal opportunities policy on MSM. A tasteful black and white non-explicit photograph of one or two male nudes in various positions was added on each webpage.
This stimulated the curiosity of the participants to continue the questionnaire. The data of this study were entered in an online registration system by the participants themselves. The recording of the data began only after the participants confirmed their male gender. At that time, the registration number ID , a unique identifier UID , and also the date and time of registration were recorded. The ID is simply an arithmetic sequence in the database. The UID is a random number between , and ,,, which is stored in a cookie on the PC of the participant during registration.
The cookie was automatically erased at the end of the questionnaire. The use of a cookie with a UID is necessary because the data should be written in the appropriate record as different participants simultaneously are entering data online.
Sexual problems in gay men
Date and time are not strictly necessary for the analysis of the data, but provide extra information on the evolution of the number of registrations. No IP address or other personal data from the computer of the registered participants were recorded. All of the data were stored in a MySQL database. The data can only be consulted through a secure web page with an Apache security login and password.
The databases were stored on a central secure server at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Several control measures ensured data quality and limited missing data by repeating some multiple choice questions with the possible answers in a different order. Data cleaning was performed in two steps: The data cleaning software looked for missing data, typing errors on data entry, coding errors, systematic repetitive answers, discordant answers, and errors related to misinterpretation of questions.
Errors were detected by using descriptive statistics, scatter plots, and histograms. Presence of systematic repetitive answers was considered when the same option was entered systematically in consecutive questions. Overall and age-specific prevalence estimates were calculated. Both bivariate and multivariate backwards stepwise logistic regression analyses were performed, with ED as the dependent variable.
The following parameters were examined for their influence on the odds of having ED: The average age of their first sexual experience with a same-sex partner was 19 years. The first partner was usually 4 years older. Table 2 shows the characteristics of the study population. The mean frequency of sexual intercourse among Belgian MSM in our study population was times a year. MSM younger than 26 years indicated that they masturbate nearly every day.
Older men, over the age of 55, masturbated every three days. Table 3 shows the results of bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses to identify independent predisposing factors for developing ED, with ED as the dependent variable. When comparing subjects with or without ED, the bivariate analysis showed that the odds of having ED were influenced by the variables age, number of sex partners, age of first sexual experience with a same-sex partner, frequency of masturbation, frequency of sex with their partner, steady relationship, versatile sex role, passive sex role, problems with libido, ejaculation problems, and anodyspareunia.
In the multivariate analysis, age, frequency of sex with their partner, steady relationship, versatile sex role, passive sex role, problems with libido, ejaculation problems, and anodyspareunia remained as independent predictors for having ED. Ghent and Charleroi. The prevalence of ED in our survey is similar to what Hirshfield et al found.
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Sandfort and de Keizer speculated that MSM, as compared to heterosexual men, might find sexual problems more embarrassing and difficult to admit to, and are more vulnerable to performance anxiety because of a need to assert their masculinity. The stress and anxiety of finding a new sex partner can cause a blockage of the ability to have an erection. Not knowing straight away the sexual preference of the new partner, being active, passive, or versatile can put pressure on erectile function.
MSM who are in a steady relationship have a variety of sexual techniques to please one another, not only by penetration. There were a remarkable number of street drugs used to treat ED. Usually, these drugs were purchased anonymously over the internet and without a medical prescription. These drugs are not approved for the treatment of ED. Little is known about the quality, the effectiveness, the side effects, and the dangers of these products.
Features that attract the counterfeit market of these drugs are the high costs of the original PDE5 inhibitors and a specialized demand for such products by those willing to pay anonymously in order to avoid exposure or embarrassment.
Physicians who treat patients with ED need to inform them about the true dangers of fake drugs. The counterfeiting of medications is a growing global problem that needs to be combated on all fronts.
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Furthermore, by not consulting a doctor, they miss useful medical information on ED and underlying diseases related to ED. More epidemiological work is required to generate solid assumptions of the prevalence rates in such subgroups of the population as the MSM population. Because there are limited studies of ED in the MSM population, cross-study comparisons are difficult to make. This study was designed as an exploratory, hypothesis-generating investigation. In the past, there usually was a representation problem for gay studies. Not all groups based on age, gender, and education within the gay population were equally represented.
Older MSM and less educated people were less represented. Medical disorders such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, autonomic nervous disorders, neuropathy, and the use of medication for instance antihypertensive therapy are associated with ED.
Erectile dysfunction or performance anxiety? The truth behind a modern malaise
There were no questions about the medical history of the participants, except the knowledge of their HIV status and the use of PDE5 inhibitors. We can only generalize findings to Belgian MSM, who used the online website from which participants were recruited. Mainly for MSM, the internet has become an important source of social networking and dating and they are early adaptors of new gadgets.
In Western post-industrialized countries, asking people about their sexual preference is becoming more and more acceptable. In computer-assisted interviews, anonymous respondents are more willing to answer sensitive questions, such as on sexual preferences, than in person-to-person interviews. A disadvantage of e-research is that men without access to the internet could not participate.
Because older people have less access to the internet, older MSM were likely to be underrepresented. Among the strengths of our population-based study are its large size and the coverage of different sexual dysfunctions.