How many gay people in the world

We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our updated Cookie Notice. Transgender people will no longer be considered mentally ill after the World Health Organization reclassified 'gender incongruence. In a new catalogue, covering some 55, diseases, the condition is no longer listed under "mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders" but instead under "conditions related to sexual health". The reclassification "will reduce stigma so that it may help better social acceptance for these individuals," according to the WHO.

LGBTI rights have made significant progress over the past few years — but only in some parts of the world.

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  • This is the state of LGBTI rights around the world in 2018!

In many places, LGBTI people still face widespread stigmatization and persecution, and in a surprising number of countries the penalty for same-sex relationships is prison or even death. There are 73 countries — mostly in the Middle East, Africa and Asia — where homosexual activity between consenting adults is illegal, according to Equaldex , a collaborative LGBTI rights website.

In U.S., Estimate of LGBT Population Rises to 4.5%

Some countries only criminalize sex between men but a growing number have recently expanded their laws to include bisexual and lesbian women. And in some nations where homosexuality has been decriminalized, LGBTI people can still face violence, arbitrary arrest, imprisonment and torture, according to Amnesty International. The death penalty is applied by non-state actors, including Islamic state, in Syria and Iraq.

Why do so many LGBT people suffer from mental health problems? - BBC Newsnight

In theory the death penalty could be handed down under sharia law in Mauritania, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, though it does not appear to have been implemented, the report says. Australia officially became the 26th country to legalize same-sex marriage in December Germany also changed its laws last year to allow same-sex marriage, as did Malta, Bermuda and Finland. However, most Central and Eastern European countries have not legalized it. A Pew Research survey of 18 countries in Central and Eastern Europe found that public opinion is broadly opposed to same-sex marriage.

In , the US Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, effectively bringing marriage equality to all 50 states.

There Aren't as Many Gay People as You Think - Pacific Standard

Since it was adopted in , the law has been used to detain LGBTI activists and to stop pride marches. The latest in a series of rights reversals prompting concern include banning transgender people from serving in the US military in most circumstances and removing protections for transgender prison inmates. Recently the US Supreme Court ruled in favour of a Colorado baker who would not make a wedding cake for a gay couple. Although the case stopped short of setting a precedent that would allow people to claim exemption from anti-discrimination laws for religious reasons, it highlighted tensions in the US between conservative Christians and the proponents of LGBTI rights.

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  8. Only five countries in the world — Bolivia, Ecuador, Fiji, Malta and the UK — have constitutions that explicitly guarantee equality for citizens on the basis of sexual orientation as well as gender identity, according to a UCLA study. Five countries — Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa and Sweden — have constitutions that provide protections based on sexual orientation. But globally, there are few constitutional protections for LGBTI rights compared to provisions to protect against gender or racial discrimination, says the study.

    General disclaimer: The expansion in the number of Americans who identify as LGBT is driven primarily by the cohort of millennials, defined as those born between and The percentage of millennials who identify as LGBT expanded from 7. There was no change last year in LGBT percentage among baby boomers born through and traditionalists born prior to LGBT identification is lower as age increases, although there is a particularly large jump between millennials and those in the next oldest generation, defined as Generation X.

    The roughly one-percentage-point increase 0.

    How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender?

    Women continue to be more likely to identify as LGBT than men, and this gender gap expanded last year. Overall, 5. The change among men over time has been minimal, with the LGBT percentage edging up from 3. On the other hand, the percentage of women identifying as LGBT has risen from 3. The LGBT percentage has risen among all race and ethnic groups since , although not on an equal basis.


    Hispanics and Asians have seen the greatest increase, thus contributing the most on a relative basis to the uptick in LGBT identification nationwide. Whites and blacks have seen the least change. The relative rank order of the LGBT percentages among these four race and ethnic groups has remained roughly the same over the last several years. LGBT identification among blacks and Asians, 4.

    LGBT identification is more common among those with lower incomes, as has been the case consistently since The income gap is larger this year than it has been, with 6.

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    There are no major differences in LGBT identification by educational attainment, although the percentage of postgraduates who self-reported as LGBT is slightly lower than those with less formal education. This update on LGBT identification underscores two significant conclusions. First, the percentage of adults in the U.

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    Second, the increase has been driven almost totally by millennials, whose self-reports of being LGBT have risen from 5. Gary Gates noted in his report on Gallup data last year: These can include how comfortable and confident survey respondents feel about the confidentiality and privacy of data collected. Self-identification as LGBT is only one of a number of ways of measuring sexual and gender orientation.

    The general grouping of these four orientations lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender into one question involves significant simplification, and other measurement techniques which ask about each of these categories individually yield different estimates. Additionally, self-identification of sexual orientation can be distinct from other measures which tap into sexual behavior or attraction.