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In this case where so many subjects might be highly charged with emotion for many, one bite at a time might be very helpful. One issue at a time is how good therapy can take hold. And I think meeting face to face with those that hang you up is a great way to defuse discrimination. The media however, tends to pile it on all at once which gives little chance for integration. Your way of looking at things can be really singular, which is just as problematic. But everything connects in some way or another. Talfking about one issue tends to open up several others, because this is all complicated stuff.
To keep it one issue at a time: Religion and religious guilt can also play a factor. Some people are still dealing with past traumas and bad patterns. Everybody is different. And a lot of people are driven by a lot of different things. You seem to have an obsession with people being dishonest from your point of view. I would submit that that is an issue that goes way way back for you. Hence you build straw men in many forms. Illusions that suck you in, to a disquieting internal drama. Resolve is the key. That is a singular individual choice to do so, and is best done one bite at a time.
They are the rally of red flags we refuse to acknowledge right in front of our own faces. You seem to have an issue with those types of people and are desperate for gayness to not be associated with them in any type of way. But I am also acknowledging that sense of self, orientation and the reasons people do what they do and identify as whatever they identify as are often much more varied and individual. The concept of which I am not a part, is real. Because these scenes exist does not mean I am for our against them. Human nature will do what it does.
I suggest your distrust issue makes you see things incorrectly at times like you have here. Best to you with resolving that. Yes, we can talk about homophobia, internalized homophobia, sociology and living in a hetero-normal society with hetero-normal pressures and how those things can greatly influence identity and sense of self.
Everyone has been through different things and have different circumstances. Everyone is motivated by different stuff. So, why do we still continue to put so weight on identity and so much pressure on each other? Honestly, the stranglehold and weight that identity has does as much harm as good, leading to many people not being completely about with themselves and others about their struggles, dimensions and what they wants and thus hiding behind identity or lifestyle. I really, really like your analysis here.
Two true stories.
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- There Aren't as Many Gay People as You Think - Pacific Standard.
- How Older Brothers Influence Homosexuality.
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Please help me find some kind of answer for these two individuals. What are they? Why did they do these things? What happens to people to change them? Case 1. It was pretty much mutua. He was an athlete and very popular with the girls. But when he came to visit with me and got in my bed, he was extremely turned on by what we were doing.
We had an off and on relationship for nearly 15 years. At times, very intensive. Even after he got married and had two little boys, he would come to me every so many months and ask me to take a trip with him so we could be together and shack up. I thought this would be a life-time thing. He said I was sinful. Religion may have played a part in this.
Case 2. He lived close by. He was also 40 years younger than me! One day, out of the clear blue sky, I got a phone call from him and he wanted to know if anyone else was at my house because he wanted to come over. I could hear his heart beating on the phone!
Wanna compare? I told you I was bigger than you! The next day he phoned me and asked me to meet him in a back field near our houses. This went on for seven or so years and we drew very, very close together. He was constantly telling me he loved me. We took a lot of trips together and when in the motel room, he would just start pumping away and then ask me to do it to him. He never once touched ME. He was always excited and almost shaking he wanted to do those things so badly.
There Aren't as Many Gay People as You Think
He had girlfriends, and one night I just asked him how long was our relationship going to go on. Maybe for a long, long time. I love it all as much as you do! The idea that both of these characters who became the most dearest friends I could ever have, and seemed to really, really like me and WANT to be around me both of them told me this many times. I was their best friend would so coldly and cruelly tell me to basically go to Hell. Both are married now to women.
What kind of people are THEY?

I just think about this a lot. How were they both so homo-like and then how did it just totally kill out of their systems. The first was very two-way with me. He did as much to me as I did to him.
Negative Stereotypes Drive Opposition to Gay Rights
The second one only wanted to boast, show off his cock and have me to make HIM feel good. BOTH of them often bashed queers, made the jokes, and talked all the time about how much pussy they got. In fact, BOTH stated this many times to me. So, WHAT are they?
What Are the Causes of Homosexuality? - The Atlantic
And what made them change? How many times is Queerty going to recycle this story, or very similar stories on said studies?
This article was published in collaboration with Vice.