Gay man dating a woman for catholicism
If I desire to date Daniel Radcliffe, it is not my right to make that happen with any means I choose to use. Every human has rights that are inherent to their being and are written in the natural moral law of our universe.
The natural order of the world is that it takes a man and a woman coming together in a sexual union to create a child. More on this later. Moreover, this sexual union was intended to be between two people who love one another and genuinely care about the well-being of each other and any children they create. This family unit provides for a safe place for children to grow up and it is the essential building block of our society.
A man and woman who procreate and raise children in a good home is the primary or ideal way that society is able to carry on. A one father, one mother home is the ideal place for a child to be nurtured and loved in both a masculine and feminine way, by a man and woman — the two sexes that God designed to be perfectly complementary in every way, including parenting.
As I mentioned earlier, these two things are necessary for a healthy society — we need more people for our species to carry on, and we need those people to be safe and cared for by a man and woman who love each other so that later they can be contributing members of society.
The teaching that a same-sex couple cannot adopt children is not to say that anyone who experiences a same-sex attraction is destined for a life devoid of love or the joy that children bring to our lives. Those who have made other choices are absolutely welcomed and loved by the Church. And those who feel like they must be left out of the joys of parenting are encouraged to have hope in the reality that we are all called to lives of love. For some, that love is manifest in directly creating and nurturing new life.
There is so much fullness of life that we can experience by living lives of self-giving love and it is not confined to parenthood. One more thing that I think is essential to this topic: Personally, I believe in the teachings of the Catholic Church because I believe Jesus was who He said He was and that He established the Church on earth to help us get to heaven. This is a very loaded topic that comes with a lot of emotions for people. I completely understand that. But I also know that God wants us to be happy and fully alive John It is never our intention to reduce a person to their sexual orientation, even as we seek to call all people to lives of joy-filled chastity.

I'm just striving for sainthood through lots of imperfect ways. I daydream about heaven, where I want to be the patron saint of lifeguards. I think I might paint my nails just so I can pick it off. I wrote a book about Mary and what she taught us about being a Catholic girl. It's called "That One Girl" and I think you'd like it! Follow me on Twitter christinamead.
Newest Resources Edge Support: March Life Support: January View All Blogs. Life Putting an End to Body Shame. Retreat at Camp Covecrest Covecrest is more than a retreat center and summer camp. Literature shows that attitudes toward homosexuality are complex and may vary even within the same religious tradition. While some religions show little concern about the sexual life of lay practitioners or remain positive about homosexuality, most mainstream traditions are openly against homosexual acts Helminiak, Some studies indicate that negative religious beliefs about homosexuality, shared by the community, can arouse prejudice against sexual minorities and contribute to experiencing the religious group as oppressive.
For instance, Barton describes religion-driven challenges faced by sexual minorities brought up in fundamentalist Christian communities, where homosexual acts are perceived as a sin against God and condemned. Some of the potentially traumatic experiences reported by gays, including evident bullying e. Engaging in homosexual relationships can be even more problematic when it leads to open persecution and penalty. Yet, merely changing environment does not automatically solve the problem if gays have managed to endorse and identify with religious beliefs stigmatizing homosexuality.
Acquisition of religious values and beliefs conflicting with sexual identity involves identification with significant others who represent these beliefs. This can also take place in seemingly liberal, multicultural contexts if gays are raised in families where homosexuality is rejected based on religious principles. When these relationships contain both positive and oppressive elements, this can create high ambivalence, and certain unconscious mechanisms can be used to keep positive and negative experiences apart.
Because of attachment to a significant other, the child mimics his or her behavior and, later, attacks his own parts of self that had previously been directly or indirectly attacked by the oppressor. It was long ago observed that the interaction between the individual and the environment e. This, on the other hand, may lead to negative religious coping, such as punishing God reappraisals or interpersonal religious discontent Pargament et al. Experiencing a conflict between ethno-religious and gay identity can significantly impact health and well-being.
They also fear rejection from family, clergy, and the religious community. Such findings should alert mental health professionals about specific risk factors experienced by sexual minorities who are affiliated with churches condemning homosexuality. Literature shows that gays and lesbians use various strategies in their attempts to resolve their inner conflict. Various authors mention prioritizing one of these identities while repressing the other.
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For instance, Schnoor described how some traditionally minded Jews try to reject gay desires which interfere with their Jewish lives. Another study by Mark showed that some gay Orthodox Jews seek sexual conversion therapies because they feel great pressure to conform to communal norms, and experience intense guilt and betrayal if they fail to fulfill them. On the other hand, some gay individuals may do the opposite and reject religion, become apostates, or declare themselves atheists. There is, however, little information on how people perceive the costs of repressing either spiritual or sexual parts of their identity, what psychological mechanisms they use to reduce resulting intra-psychic tension, and how this affects their well-being.
Rodriguez and Ouellette noted that many gays and lesbians have strong feelings about their religious beliefs and sexual identity, and refuse to sacrifice reject either part of their self.
Living in Sin? How Gay Catholics Manage Their Conflicting Sexual and Religious Identities
They may use compartmentalization, a short-term coping strategy to reduce intra-psychic conflicts associated with multiple, incompatible identities, by de-emphasizing one of them, depending on the context. However, Jaspal and Cinnirella questioned the suitability of this strategy for those for whom religion constitutes a whole meaning-making system, informing their life narratives and other identities.
Various authors also mention revising religious beliefs and re-interpreting religious scriptures as a way of resolving the conflict. It is possible that a similar strategy could be used by Christian gays, who are taught that it is the sinful act and not the sinner who should be condemned. Gay people reconcile their sexual and religious identities on a social level in different ways.
Brekhus identified three main types of strategy in which urban gays in America manage their homosexual identity: Lifestylers build their self-image primarily upon being gay and they prefer to socialize exclusively in LGBT circles. Commuters lead a conventional life in the suburbs, from which they escape to satisfy their social and sexual needs with other gay people. Integrators, on the other hand, treat homosexuality as part of themselves. Their sexual identity diffuses other identities, e.
Flowers and Buston note that, in sociocultural environments of compulsory heterosexuality, it may be especially difficult for gay people to disclose their sexual orientation. For instance, gay Jews in the study of Coyle and Rafalin , preferred not to disclose their sexual identity within their Jewish community and, like commuters discussed by Brekhus , often avoided discussing relationships or sexuality-related issues, and kept a very low profile. Some complied with community expectations relating to heterosexual dating, or simply lied.
In some countries, such as the Islamic republic of Iran, there is a significant prejudice and discrimination against sexual minorities, and homosexual acts are prosecuted. For this reason, contextual factors should be thoroughly examined to understand how sexual minorities integrate various parts of self, how they express these parts, and what problems they may encounter.
Contemporary studies which analyze these problems are limited in scope and number. Those that exist have been primarily conducted on the American continent or in Western Europe, where there is high cultural diversity and sexual minorities enjoy more rights. No empirical studies have been found regarding Eastern Europe or the Middle East, where some countries are still significantly influenced by religion, and it would be beneficial to broaden our knowledge about experiences of LGBT people living in these areas.
Poland is an interesting showcase for the study of attitudes toward homosexuality with reference to religion. There are no laws in the country against homosexual activity; the state does not recognize same-sex unions, marriages, or allow adoption by same-sex couples. Values and norms in Polish society are strongly affected by the Roman Catholic Church.
Forty-four percent of young respondents aged 18—24 still report participating in holy masses, religious services, and other events organized by the Church, at least once a week Boguszewski, In recent years, however, there has been a visible and steady decline in religious involvement of youth. Catholic principles seem to affect the way people perceive homosexuality and think about LGBT involvement within the religious community.
Roguska , in her sociological report, shows that Polish Catholics do not want the church to change its attitude toward sexual minorities. Despite that data show that there is a growing acceptance among Polish Catholics to living out of wedlock, pre-marital sex, homosexuality in general, divorces, and using contraception.
However, no studies exist on how sexual minorities in Poland who identify themselves as Catholics cope with anti-gay sentiment in local communities or how that affects their spiritual practice.
Stances of Faiths on LGBTQ Issues: Roman Catholic Church
Such problems are of special interest to professionals studying human sexuality and how it affects well-being. This explorative study is an attempt to fill this gap. It aims to explore personal experiences of gay Catholics associated with their religious socialization, discovering their sexuality, and finding ways to express their sexual and religious self.
This study was conducted in Poland in and This methodology was selected to build a deeper understanding of how gay men, brought up in Polish Catholic families and with strong faith, developed their gay identity. Pietkiewicz and Smith explain that IPA combines ideas driven from phenomenology, hermeneutics, and idiography. Samples in IPA are small, homogeneous, purposefully selected, and data are carefully analyzed case-by-case.
Willig highlights that small qualitative studies may generate hypotheses that can later be tested by methods of the hypothetical-deductive paradigm. Participants in this research described their religious socialization and its impact on how they experienced their homosexuality, experienced intra-psychic conflicts and attempts to resolve them. The first author IP is non-Christian and, despite living in Poland, did not have a Catholic upbringing. His knowledge about Catholic values and norms comes from mass media and interaction with the environment where the majority is Catholic.
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He is also an academic teacher and certified psychodynamic psychotherapist, with substantial experience in counseling and providing psychotherapy services to gay people representing various faiths. He could thus bring a more clinical perspective into the analysis. The second author MKS is a psychology graduate who has been significantly involved in religious practices and the study of the Catholic doctrine, which gave us a valuable understanding of the phenomena participants referred to. Five of them had higher education, two of them secondary, and one was still a student.
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All were Caucasian, Polish, and brought up in families where religion played an important role in everyday life. All were significantly involved with the Church and regularly participated in religious practices at a young age and during adolescence. They all took religious lessons, attended events organized by the Church; two served as ministrants and one was involved in a Catholic youth group. All participants declared that spirituality and relationship with God was an important aspect of their lives, but five reported lesser involvement with religion in adulthood.
One was in transition to the Evangelical church. Four participants currently had a relationship with another man.