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As Jillian York of the Electronic Frontier Foundation pointed out during a discussion of the topic on Twitter, the action against Sister Roma and others may not be a sign that Facebook is actively targeting gay men or drag queens, but could be a result of complaints from those who do want to target those individuals, which Facebook then has to pursue. In any case, she says, the policy is unwise. What, you mean they are ashamed of their behavior?

I thought they were supposed to be proud of what they are and what they do? Obviously they know the shame, know how much people with any sense of tact or morals look down on them and want to hide it. Screw them. No special treatment. That Farcebook would require birth certificates and driver licenses is outrageous. Just one more reason not to use Farcebook, and one more reason that they are the single biggest threat to security of personal information.

If you want to be anonymous, Facebook is not the option, nor is the internet, for that matter. It was never intended to be something to hide behind.

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Sadly, its not just the transgender getting hit. Authors have been getting hit hard past 2 months.

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Some waking up the next day to find their accounts deleted by facebook directly without even giving them a warning or the option to change their published pen name to their real name. So its a wasted investment bth in money and time.

On top of this, many authors, who dont have StevenKing status, like to communicate with friends and readers alike, and like people of transgender who are feeling the pinch, a page doesnt fit. But for sometime Facebook is ceased to be about social networking and more about a metadata of consumers. How does Facebook determine a name is not real.

No ID is required to sign up, fake IDs are easy to generate, and people can readily change their name. Is Facebook going to ask married people to verify that they have or have not changed their name? Has anyone verified this or could it be that Sister Roma is the target of a phishing scam? I know of several individuals using Facebook aliases and none have received this notice. Anyone confirm this with actual Facebook or are people getting outraged over scammers that sound really real but are really identity thiefs?

Scammers sure would like it though. Don't know what I expected. OMG I never thought about it like that! I'm going to write on his wall poke him.

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Turns out this can be narrowed way down. Too specific? Kinda ruined by I have a lot of friends in college from California so half the results are from there I'm on the east coast. Well apparently two of my very good friends are bi. I'm pretty sure they just put that on there out of boredom, but I'm going to get to the bottom of things. Guy I had a crush on in middle school is listed as bi. But then also married, which judging from his profile doesn't seem true.

So, I don't know what to believe. That's a super handy feature! Just imagine if Facebook had existed back when Anne Frank was writing in her diary.

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Facebook is under fire from gay and transgender users who are being forced to use real names

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