Max chevalier gay escort
In Part 2 Max Chevalier gets his big muscle ass fucked by Christian!! Right Mr Lebeau? So fucking hot. Watching Christian Power down on all fours and taking it like a bitch makes my cock drip. They both lazy lays and neither of them seem into it. Did anyone else find this completely underwhelming? This was billed to be epic and they hardly even fuck or seem to even get into it. Tony, yeah steroids, but us juicer boys like sex, too, dammit. Kind of reminds me of Hungarian porn from ten years ago: All of those Pacific Sun movies had some of the worst sex ever.
A shame because so many of those guys were so hot. Personally one of the few I remember being good and hot was Fred Goldsmith. You people on here on so pathetic, do you realize that?
Especially the constant naggers anti-straight guys, anti-tattoos, anti-everything. You are like broken records, every single time over and over and over again. Take a look at your own lives, and you will see why you are the haters you are. The guys have bacne and shrunken balls. Quit pretending like steroids on huge muscular guys is this rare occurance. I was under the impression Max is gay. There are a lot of gay men who are into bodybuilders yet very few follow through and become bodybuilders. I want to like them, I want to get turned on by the scene but that roids gut gets in the way….
OK I ve watched it, both men are fucking gorgeous but the scene really lacks passion! Please re shoot this and make it a flip fuck with more kissing and ass eating. Once a year in the whole porn industry at best!! From the looks of it, Max would agree, almost thought he was going to shoot a second load as his own dick was starting to get hard again.
Great to watch real masculine men together instead of tiny boys.
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- Clash of the Titans! – Max Chevalier Fucks Christian Power.
What a shame that the bald guy absolutely ruined his with that garish ink. Max Chevalier is not gay 4 pay actor he is bi and he a escort. Max Chevalier is straight and gay for pay. Pornhub is the most complete and revolutionary porn tube site. We offer streaming porn videos, downloadable DVDs, photo albums, and the number 1 free sex community on the net. We're always working towards adding more features that will keep your love for porno alive and well.
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