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Thanks to the Star for the interview. Anderson, Loni. Failed marriage to and bitter divorce with Burt Reynolds; held her adopted son hostage in the divorce. Anderson, Pamela. Ex-wife of Tommy Lee and broke up with him again after taking him back; maybe she is learning, after all. Videotaped sex with her husband; tape was then stolen from them and widely sold.
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Continues to be surprised that no one takes her seriously; lied, stupidly, about Tommy Lee giving her Hepatitis C when the truth, that it was Kid Rock who gave it to her, was so easily discovered. Anderson, Richard Dean. Closeted FOD or bisexual. Andress, Ursula. Formerly married to John Derek, which means she's suffered enough. Andrews, Julie. Married to Blake Edwards. Aniston, Jennifer. Has become a big pothead through of her relationship with Brad Pitt. Has jealousy issues. Apple, Fiona.
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Humorless, self-important brat. Holding on to reality with only a couple of fingers.
Arbuckle, Fatty. Unfairly convicted in the public of killing a younger actress via Coke bottle rape; poor Fatty was innocent, but the world was convinced otherwise. Arnaz, Desi. Arnold, Tom. Failed marriage to Roseanne Barr; bitter divorce from her. Has hair implants. Treats his assistants badly. Former tabloid snitch.
Astaire, Fred. Rumored for years to enjoy the company of younger men. Difficult to work with. Linked with Ginger Rogers. Aykroyd, Dan. Nice guy, but has a taste for loose women in bars. But then, who among us does not?
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Azaria, Hank. Linked with failed marriage to and merkin for Helen Hunt. Linked with Matthew Perry. No, really! Bacall, Lauren. Bailed on supporting victims of McCarthy because "they were Communists. Baez, Joan. Bisexual, although she now denies any former same-sex relationships. Formerly with Bob Dylan. Baio, Scott.
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Closeted bisexual. Jodie Foster claims to have made out heavily with him, as well. Baldwin, Alec. The bloviator. Arrogant SOB. Punches out photographers. Acts like spoiled infant on-set. Left Janine Turner almost literally at the altar. Drug problem.
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Baldwin, Daniel. Baldwin, Stephen. So enamored of himself he probably masturbates while holding up his own facial shot. Ball, Lucille. Long-suffering wife of Desi Arnaz; smart, smart woman and a great comedienne. Alcoholic, and not a good mother to her children. Banderas, Antonio. Left his wife for Melanie Griffith.
Not the brightest bulb in the lamp. Linked with Angelina Jolie. Bankhead, Tallulah. Omnisexual, and enjoyed it. Drug user. All About Eve was reportedly about her.

Linked with John Barrymore, Sr. Winston Churchill! Murrow, and Johnny Weissmuller. Banks, Tyra. Breast implants. Baraka, Amiri. Bardot, Brigitte. Animal rights activist. Barker, Clive. Out and open about it. Barkin, Ellen. Formerly married to Gabriel Byrne.
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Linked with Ron Perelman. Barrymore, Drew. Flashed Dave Letterman on camera.