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The alternative to entering with a hard pass is using a day pass, which involves a much lower level of proof that the reporter works for a news organization and a very abbreviated security check the applicant must only provide his or her name, social security number, and date of birth.

Note that the requirement is only that one works for "a news organization,' not "a legitimate news organization'—the significance is illustrated nicely by Gannon's own circumstances. He did apply for a credential from the Standing Committee of Correspondents, the first step towards obtaining a hard pass, but after the organization noticed that the Talon was owned by Bobby Eberle, one of the owners of GOPUSA an organization that is pretty much just what it sounds like, and which Gannon also wrote for , the committee asked for more information on the Talon to show that it was an independent news organization and not essentially a Republican press office.

The Talon and Gannon never responded to the committee, so in absence of any such evidence, the committee denied Gannon's accreditation. And so Gannon's daily visits to the White House utilized a day pass every time. There used to be a more official system of regular day passes, known as the "card index,' that was traditionally used by reporters covering a specific issue or reporters on a relatively short-term assignment to the White House.

After September 11, however, the Secret Service decided that giving regular access to the White House with such an abbreviated security check was not safe, and discontinued the practice.

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This is where the third and most serious issue connected with the Gannon mess comes into play. Why was Gannon, a person using a false identity and lacking the most rudimentary press credentials permitted to easily and regularly gain access to the White House Press Room? The Bush administration has demonstrated a profoundly disturbing commitment to blurring the lines between propaganda and objective news. This commitment goes completely beyond the White House's routine friendliness to reporters from Fox News or the Pax network—the administration has filmed press clips with actors and sent them out to news stations as legitimate reportage and paid commentators to argue for White House policy proposals without revealing that they were compensated to do so.

Now, like con men using a ringer, the President's staff has enabled, if not endorsed, fake reporters taking up residence in the White House press pool to toss softball questions designed to make a press conference look like the O'Reilly Factor. May And will Americans ever see those images? July She said it gave her chills because it was obvious he was not going to a costume party. Being a kid herself she couldn't do much to stop it but the impression that DC was a very sick town stayed with her. You think White House security would let in hookers for Rove or Fleischer?

The President himself would have to approve it and he wouldn't do that. Don't forget, he was also planted at Presidential news conferences to ask pre-planned questions that Dubya could reply with ease. Either this woman has solved the mystery or she is as crazy as a tin shit house rate.

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There is no in between. R22, Bush was not taking the fall for any scandal associated with Rove or Fleischer. You're the one who is being naive. You don't think George Fucking Bush knew that he was boss and Rove just a kind of gofer? You don't have a brain in your head if you think it was anybody else besides Bush. All his fucking life he has committed bold crimes and gotten away with them because loser turds like you won't hold him accountable.

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I think R26 is correct. Bush is a rumored bisexual Google Victor Ashe for the dirt. Only one family actually lives at the White House. If someone else who worked for Bush in the White House wanted to hook up with a male escort dozens of times over, that would have happened elsewhere. When I see a message like r28, I consider myself lucky that I have no friends who would find that to be clever or even slightly amusing. The big liberal fallacy of was that GW wasn't in charge, or that he was clueless and incompetent.

He was in charge and while no genius, certainly not incompetent. But it so comforting to you to think that he couldn't really manage things, to condescend to this little man, which attitude always helped him accomplish his designs by removing in advance the outrage that should been available to resist You know you read all these posts about psychopaths and how they are smarmy and friendly and you haven't taken one word of it to heart.

They say we "conquer knowledge by forced marches" but you just can't seem to open your mind far enough to see GW Bush for the psychopathic pig fucker he really was. I haven't forgotten him, but I don't believe he was in charge see link for forgotten incident of great significance. As far as I'm concerned Bush and the whole gang should be in prison Never any justice.

All we can do is hope and pray that they live very long and unhappy lives. Good thing we don't know each other r31 since I thought that r28 was slightly amusing. Paul B. In a warehouse, I think. I'll try to post a link to the film. These kids and teenagers who were kidnapped said at all these D.

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You have the "normal" party first, then all those sickos involved stay later so they can rape these poor kids and teenagers. PB has sued at least 2 people over this and WON. I know this thread is 2 years old, but I just recently learned about the franklin cover up. This is so creepy. Yes I realize that those in power might kill him. But he can get arrangments done to protect himself. This is all to freaky. If it was him and he spoke up, he'd be protected by the fact that everyone who know exactly who had killed him. Whether or not Jeff is Johnny, the interesting thing was his web page that listed his services and had reviews.

"Jeff Gannon's" secret life

Maybe that infamous black eye wasn't from Laura hitting him, or from falling down drunk, but from Jeff. I wonder if he has written about his White House years and placed the story with someone to hold with instructions to go to the press if he turns up missing. Jeff Gannon is not Johnny Gosch. After Johnny was kidnaped his mom when psycho crazy, as can be expected.

She's still looney tunes after all these years. In all likelihood Johnny was killed shortly after he was kidnapped. They probably will never find his body. I'm not r61 but I do live in Des Moines. Doreen does have the wacky rep that he speaks of - but otoh she keeps to herself. Based on that interview she did for Rense I know it's not a MSMN she was getting all sorts of crap for investigating the disappearance and meeting with someone who claimed to be Johnny. This has always been reported in my local paper, the Des Moines register.

Amazing how this story disappeared. It's really incredible that the press just let this story die.

Jeff Gannon, George W. Bush's Back Door Man. - Unconfirmed Sources

He was a gay hustler with access to the White House and no one questions it? He obviously was doing someone high up in the Bush admin. There's really no other reasonable explanation for a gay whore to be given such extraordinary access to the White House. HAD to be a resident of the WH. Maybe one who had a fetish for rubbing bald male heads. Or had been a cheerleader. R18's post gave ME the chills. And wouldn't surprise me at all, given the rumors about Bohemian Grove which many DC power players, past and present, attend. The 'rumors' about Bohemian Grove are from right wing conspiracy theorists who believe Satanic reptilian aliens are ruling the world.

Its bullshit. I've known people who have gone to some Bohemian Grove meetings, its more a embarrassing juvenile boys club like a fraternity. No pedos, no child sacrifices, no 'Satanist' rituals, no Bush family members in sight.

Notice a theme here? The Repugs have a habit of finding self-loathing closet cases and having them happily do their dirty work. Armisted Maupin visited the B-Grove in one of his books and it was as r80 described -- sort of an overgrown Boy Scout camp for overgrown rich Boy Scouts. The reptilian shape-shifter stuff was included to give Ickes "plausible deniability"; aka, saved his life. Some members of the press Did look into the story.

They obtained copies of White House logs some were printed in the Washington Post and discovered:.