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Additionally, "Spark Networks agreed that within two years, it would adjust other searching and profile features to give gay and lesbian singles a more tailored experience," the article noted. The lawsuit focused on a California anti-discrimination law.
A representative for the company told The Wall Street Journal that leaders were "pleased to resolve this litigation," but others are frustrated by the outcome. The settlement announcement comes at a time when anti-discrimination laws and religious liberty protections are repeatedly coming into conflict, such as on college campuses and in state legislatures.
Why Does the Website Not Discuss Gender Dysphoria or Transgender Issues?
Christian communities vary widely in their response to gay and lesbian relationships, according to data from Public Religion Research Institute. Fewer than 3 in 10 white evangelical Protestants 26 percent support same-sex marriage, compared to 69 percent of white mainline Protestants, 58 percent of Catholics and 26 percent of Mormons. Members of the LGBT community and their supporters celebrated the settlement between Spark Networks and the two gay men, noting that the agreement will make online dating more inclusive.
Online dating can be a key way for gays and lesbians from small towns to meet each other, as Eliel Cruz explained in Quartz in June Deseret News Church News Subscribe. A lawsuit, originally filed in , brought by two gay men against the owner of several faith-based dating websites, has been settled. Scripture References Leviticus Prophets and Church Leaders.
Why Use the Term “Same-Sex Attraction”? Why Not Just Say “Gay”?
Prophets and Apostles. Decisions for Eternity. President Russell M.

What Will You Choose? He Heals the Heavy Laden. President Dallin H. Same-Gender Attraction. Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers.
Mormon and Gay - An Official Church Website
President M. Russell Ballard. The Sacred Responsibilities of Parenthood. Elder Jeffrey R.
Gay, Single, & Mormon
The Family: A Proclamation to the World. President Gordon B. Other Leaders. The Family Is of God. Sister Carole M.
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Elder Tad R. Those Who Are Different.