Gay herpes dating
Definitely wait and talk to a doctor before you let this get you down. I went to get something checked out recently that I'd been convinced was somehow STI-related.

Not only did that turn out NOT to be the case, the doctor was somewhat incredulous that something so minor would have led me to that conclusion, or to his office. People overthink their junk.
If You're Dating With Herpes, Having "The Talk" Can Be Difficult
And with good reason I suppose, but honestly try to put it out of your mind until you know you have reason to worry. As a gay man who has HPV, let me reassure you that an incurable viral diagnosis will not spell the end to your dating life and will not require that you shuffle off to a convent to die a lonely celibate death.
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I remember the feeling that you're having now: I was mortified when I discovered the symptoms, and immediately told the guy I was seeing that I thought I might have HPV, though I assured him that in our fooling around he had not been near them and that he was probably okay. Rather than berate me for potentially putting him at risk, rather than telling all my friends that I was a skank, rather than avoiding me like the Typhoid Mary I presumed myself to be Whether we should continue seeing each other.
I was floored. HPV has changed my sexual practices somewhat, but it hasn't changed the regularity with which I have sex.
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I have had several boyfriends in the two years since I was diagnosed and treated for HPV. The most common reaction to disclosure is "Oh, doesn't like, everyone have that? But here's the thing: Go get tested. Get diagnosed, if in fact it is herpes. Get on a treatment. And figure out how you plan to disclose this to future sex partners.
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There are a lot of helpful threads right here on MetaFilter which will assist you in crafting the perfect disclosure. And then get back out there.
I promise. Excellent counsel above. As a straight guy who's had herpes for decades, I can confirm it feels terrible for a year or so, you feel dirty and scared and wonder if you'll have sex again and how you'll talk about it etc. It's true you've got to disclose before you get too close, that's just basic ethics--it's the other party's choice whether to proceed, not yours.
But I've never once, not once, had anyone say it's a dealbreaker, and in some cases it brought us even closer together, even before actual sex. I guess that's the power of truth-telling and creating trust. Like any other part of you that you can't change, you manage it. The Role of Condoms in the Sexual Position of Gay and Bisexual Men At present, the condom is still the preferred by gay or bisexual men when it comes to safe sex, and it also became the zeitgeist of safe-sex Read More You can decide based on each situation. Now that you know you have genital herpes, you're out of the dating game, right?
Absolutely not.
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There's no reason to stop looking for love and fun. A woman wrote in to us to tell a surprising, and in the end, enlightening story about the nature of herpes… and love. The story involves an aspect of herpes that few think about. An effective vaccine against the virus that causes genital herpes has evaded researchers for decades.
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