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Or has the world changed enough so that figuring out sexual identity is just another challenge of adolescence? In a few minutes, we'll hear from two parents and a teen who are living this story now.

Gay Youth Coming Out In Middle School

But first, writer Benoit Denizet-Lewis. Now, how did you notice this trend of younger and younger children identifying themselves as gay? You mentioned in the piece that you are a gay man. You came out at 20 and you found yourself a little surprised. Yeah, I absolutely did. Well, I started working on the piece about four or five years ago.

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I read a lot about youth culture and I was talking to educators and, you know, leaders of gay youth groups and they were all saying the same thing. And they're saying, you know, something really -interesting is happening right now. We're used to seeing kids coming out in -well, originally it was college or after and then it was high school.

And they're saying, you know, now we're having kids coming out at 12, 13, 14, and schools really didn't know what to do. You know, and they had the same reaction that a lot of people do, a lot of adults do. And that is, well, isn't that too young to sort of be dealing with these issues? Of course, we tend not to say that to a year-old boy who tells his mom or dad that he has a crush on Julie or, you know, that he's really liking girls now. You know, we tend not to say, well, you're so young, how do you know?

It's probably just a phase. So, there is a sort of a knee-jerk discomfort that a lot of us have with the idea that someone would know this at 12 or When in reality, if you talk to a gay man, you know, many of them looking back will say, you know, I noticed my same sex attraction, you know, at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in that ballpark. But it was a different time and you just didn't come out until much later.

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  • Is there any actual data on this point of whether kids are in fact self-identifying earlier or is this all anecdotal? It's a combination. You know, recent studies are showing that kids are self-identifying as gay anywhere from 13 to You know, there really - there are two realities going on here. One is, you know, kids are coming out younger, and some are able, miraculously, to have a normal adolescence. That means they're not made fun of at school, they have supportive parents.

    They're able to sort of be an awkward teenager, just like any awkward middle-schooler. The other reality is that it's still very difficult for a lot of gay kids to be out in middle school. Is this a glass half-full or half-empty story? On the one hand, you report some kids - and you did a lot of reporting in the Bible Belt, it has to be said - that even when some kids came out at ages that a lot of people would consider very young, they were stronger, more resilient, comfortable in their own skin, did not feel that they were necessarily set up to be victims or outcasts or anything of that sort.

    On the other hand, you point out that there have been a number of horrific incidents of kids even being killed by other kids and that there are still kids who report in surveys being essentially terrorized at school, that it's just something to be endured. Well, I mean, it depends how you want to look at it. I mean, both realities are going on.

    Young (gay) Americans - in pictures | Art and design | The Guardian

    It's a very nuanced story. I mean, one of the interesting things that we have to look at is this, is that much of the anti-gay bullying and anti-gay harassment that's going on in middle schools and high school is more about gender non-conformity than it really is about being gay or lesbian.

    And by that I mean the kids who often get it the worst are bullies who are perceived as feminine and girls who are not perceived as feminine. And they tend to be the ones who get the most harassment in schools, and I spoke to kids who were more gender typical in the way they manifested, and they had a lot easier time. You talk about the dilemma that parents face, and teachers face, in addressing this issue. You say, look, on the one hand, is an eighth-grader who says he's gay just experimenting? Could he change his mind in a week, as year-olds routinely do with other identities - skater, prep, Goth, jock - that they try on for a while and then shed for another?

    If sexuality is so fluid, should he really box himself in with a gay identity? On the one hand, I take your point. You're saying listen, if a kid came home, as my six-year-old did, my six-year-old soon recently did, and say, oh, I'm going to marry Kendell ph when I grow up. And I said well, how do you know? And he says, well, she told me. You know, I wouldn't say how do you know you really like girls?

    HIV/AIDS News

    I'd say oh, that's nice, dear. But you say that when it comes to kids who say that they are gay, it's almost like we want to talk them out of it. Is it that being gay or lesbian is still enough of a pariah identity that parents want to take it off the table as long as they can, or is it just that parents really feel that all kids are sexualized too early these days, and they don't want their kids at this age thinking about, you know, hooking up?

    I think both those points are valid. You know, I think that as adults, we tend to sort of have a little bit of amnesia around this, around the idea of kids at 10 or 11 or 12 being sexual beings. You know, there's two different things. Overall, MSM — including those who inject drugs — account for 60 percent of the 1.

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    In , to year-olds accounted for more than one in five 22 percent HIV diagnoses. Among the to year-olds diagnosed with HIV in , 80 percent were gay and bisexual males. These include:. To prevent HIV transmission through injecting drug use, CDC has long recommended that people who inject drugs have access to integrated prevention services from a reliable source, including sterile injection equipment, substance use treatment, and testing for HIV and hepatitis. In December, Congress allowed states and local communities, under limited circumstances, to use federal funds to support certain components of syringe services programs.

    CDC is working with partner agencies to implement this new provision, which could help further expand access to prevention tools and services.

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    CDC is also engaged in a number of strategies to reduce prescription drug abuse. The new data presented at the International AIDS Conference will be published later this year as part of a broader report on a wide range of health risk behaviors among gay, lesbian, and bisexual students. In , a question to ascertain sexual identity and a question to ascertain sex of sexual contacts was added to the National Youth Risk Behavior Survey YRBS questionnaire, allowing for the first time an examination of the prevalence of risk behaviors among gay, lesbian, and bisexual students nationwide.

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    Young M.A: Knowing She Was Gay at 5, Never Having Sex w/ Boys, Telling Mom

    Please enable Javascript in your Browser to experience full features of this website. Skip to main content U. Department of Health and Human Services. Search Search. Roughly the same proportion of gay and bisexual male students and heterosexual male students reported that they: In addition to injection drug use, which can directly transmit HIV, CDC also found gay and bisexual male students are significantly more likely than heterosexual male students to have ever used a number of drugs that may contribute to increased sexual risk behavior, even if not injected, including: