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Show me who you are as a human being. You seem to be comfortable being male or you woud have taken steps otherwise. So show me who you are as a man. There are tens of thousands of non-hetero truckers of all flavors.
Whether there are special forums for them, I don't know. We won't be having one here that I know of because here, we are truckers, people somehow attached to our industry and whoever else wants to come in and yap with us. You, like anyone else, will be judged on your own merits. Again, welcome to our little corner of the nuthouse. Having 2 gay brothers Sinister Supermodel Staff member. Why can't you just be a truck driver instead of having to add anything to it?
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Why complicate the issue? Mike said: I don't guess it's a bad idea to let someone know if you are gay, as it could be an issue for them. If it is an issue for them, that should be respected just as much as you being gay should be respected. I realize the stress you may deal with in the beginning when you are paired with a new team member.
Injun covered it nicely though. Expect to hear things you don't want to hear, and at that point, let the other know about you and that you don't want to hear certain comments. If they can't respect that, they have a problem that needs to be dealt with. Beyond that, shouldn't be an issue or a factor of any kind in regards to doing your job. Duck said: I would tend to think you needn't worry about physical violence.
Awkward silence or heated political discussions would probably be the only thing you might have to deal with. Doesn't the law require them to?
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Dude there are forums for any topic you can think of. I know of a forum for people who keep rats as pets. If you Google "gay truck drivers forum" or substitute LGBT instead of gay, you'll probably find something. I has a question though.. You mentioned the random co-drivers.
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You don't have to name the company but my question is is it a union LTL company like YRC, Old Dominion, etc that doesn't allow you to use the 34 hour reset? Its basically running two log books but it's legal because you fill them both out the same. You're not violating HOS or falsifying a log.
Injun said: Sinister said: I wonder if it's because some men not all , including married men, may be having sex with other men when away from home. Oh, and sexual orientation is not a protected status under federal law. I ask that you do not take the discussion down this path. We want this forum to remain family friendly, and the topics need to be in line with something that a member's should be comfortable with their child reading. This goes beyond that. Tazz Infidel.
I'm gonna say this as nice as I can. No one cares. If you do your job it will never come up. If it does tell them and move on. There are no special circumstances.
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