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Make the most of Omaha life. Related articles How to write a good dating profile: The dos and don'ts Looking for great second date ideas? Regardless I am talking about initial attraction, not keeping a relationship running or whether it goes further than a one night stand--do you want to suggest that women are initially attracted to men they don't know because they can magically and psychically suss out which men know how to "treat a women right? Its interesting you took things that way. Let me help. Also this is clearly just help. Take it for what it is.
I'm just a guy trying to help another guy. I am talking psychology though. You say men need attractive physical means I am also correctly using the word confidence. You're spilling unto aggressiveness and assertiveness. And that's fine and all but those are more often than not going to come off asshole-ish. And real women don't want to date an asshole. A truly confident man doesn't have to be an asshole.
When you spill into asshole territory then you're compensating for something and girls can smell it on you. Treating a woman right is attractive. Often times being able to treat a woman right can come off in your confidence. It seems through how you talk If you have a healthy mind. This is often why girls find taken men more attractive. They obviously treat a woman right Being a negative Nancy will never land you a good woman. Nobody wants to be brought down.
Yeah, then you insulted my intelligence, because that implies I haven't heard that nonsense a thousand times, which I have. This is the th argument I've had about it and I'm not tolerant of it at all anymore because, for one, I never can stand broscience, and two, I'm not big on the self-help "you can do anything if you just try" bullshit that pervades our overly optimistic and unrealistic society. You might as well show me Disney films and say, "see how that guy is so chivalrous? You think a man with my mug gets any attention from women?
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Hell no, and before you say that it's because women have psychic powers and know what I'm like and since I'm both disagreeing with you, and that I'm Drapetomania, I must be a bad person I've actually registered accounts on dating websites with good looking guys as the picture, except the profile was grad-A fake douchebag. With his shirt off. You know how strange it is to get more messages than my real account got page views in a month? I had one woman send a phone number from the get-go in her first message!!!
Also, by their metrics for attractiveness, guess who gets the most messages? Attractive people! It's already believed in the psychological literature that good looking people are more generally assertive in relationships because they get better feedback their entire lives. Additionally, there's a "halo effect" where good-looking people are perceived as more intelligent, kinder, more reliable, etc. They've shown that better looking people both get convicted less in court and get less harsh sentences when the circumstances are similar!
My reaction to this is basically because it's always like one of those stupid meme images where the guy is ridiculously good looking and the captions are, "You just gotta smile at them. Works every time. You're not talking about "psychology," as a science, you're talking Dr. Phil, psychologytoday. I'm not talking about your broscience, dude. Again, I'm talking about initial attraction, not "deepening a relationship" or whatever.
This is tindr and dating websites, nobody gets "treating a woman right" out of dating profiles unless they're the creeps sending dick pics or whatever--so let's ignore them. Do you really want to tell me women are swiping people to the right not because the picture on the profile but because they have a magical ability to determine if he "treats women right" whatever the fuck that even means, but you are deliberately being vague because I can't grab onto an intentionally nebulous and undefined concept.
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No, you are misusing the word "confidence. Colloquially we can and do suss out what is meant by the context, but it's unclear here. Do you know what an "operational definition" is? Might want to provide one if you want to try to have a discussion about how we determine "confidence! Yes, part of physical appearance is body and working out. That's obvious you wanted to give me advice and you thought I was too stupid to figure that out? Thanks, asshole. But it's clear that you're jumping through so many hoops in causality to try to make it all about getting the pep and get-up-and-go to hit the gym.
The route your conclusion takes you is like something out of one of those shitty Family Circus cartoons in the newspaper.
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Why don't we just Occam's razor away that extra bullshit you threw up and just just go with, "being physically attractive" instead of snaking around trying to squeeze in "confidence" to save your little hypothesis from falsification. You keep on talking about "treating a woman right" couldn't sound any less like broscience, do you pop your collar?
How's this for blowing your mind--maybe women find taken men more attractive because they have more desirable qualities than your average man and therefore do not remain single long? Of course women are more attracted to better providers, that's well known, but I am talking about initial attraction, here, which you keep ignoring because you are either too dishonest or two stupid to adequately address how women are going to figure out who is better at "treating a lady right" bro jargon through mothingfucking TINDR which is little more THAN A PHOTO.
Won't listen? You're not offering advice, you're just spouting stupid platitudes.
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I'm going to be a dick to you because you're handing out fake "advice" that's just designed to make you feel good about yourself, so you can engage in self-promotion. In fact you keep referencing how YOU treat the ladies right and how YOU hit the gym so that's obviously why you're so successful. You're pretty dumb, too, since you clearly don't even know what "assertive" means readers: I met a girl, got a beejay. As a gay man I say tindr isn't anything special. Its the same queeny clicky assholes just in a new way! Most gay guys in Omaha seem to be the embarrassing flaming limp-wristed "ohmygawd" type of homos.
At least you're not hetero, though. We have to deal with every chick being a single mother by the age of 23, daddy issues, and an entitled sense of self worth with the self-awareness of a goldfish. I had a dude like that at my old work. The other gay guy thought he probably wasn't actually even gay. Tried it to see what the fuss was about. Got bored and haven't used it since. Though I haven't been into dating for a while so I might be biased.
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Been using it for months. Few matches. One response. One date. She wasn't fun or was just DTF and realized that I wasn't. The few matches I've had are kinda bad at the whole message thing I've read so many convo-killer lines, and the one word messages don't do it for me. So I've turned into one of those horrible people who uses it when I'm bored or drunk and bored. From what I hear, it's no different than other places. If you've got an attractive photo, then you'll get more responses.