Gay facebook page

I will never contribute content to a site that demonizes sexuality: You inspired me to delete my Facebook. Good riddance! Good job??? Spoiled Babygirl??? SpoiledBabygir1 December 7, But not everyone was thrilled: In , Crocker also deleted his account on YouTube, citing a different sort of internet hell: View this post on Instagram After surviving the week? A post shared by Chris Crocker itschriscrocker on Oct 13, at The vast majority of Facebook users agree with or are indifferent to the new policy and will happily continue to post their stuff on FB.

How to tell if someone is gay

Not even the pretense of being a community member any longer? Awww CastleSF, Windchime, here you are. Why are people still using facebook?

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Looking forward to the day when facebook is no longer a thing. It died when the baby boomers took it over. Plus his porn is frickin hot. Sexy boy.

Facebook Gay Pride Flag Emoji Only Available to Select Users

The moralizers are determined to push us back to the Victorian era. Just look at what happened in Russia. FB continues to make poor decisions regarding its consumers. As someone who used it back when a college ID was required, I can tell you that it did not monitor posts. People are now losing interest in FB and Tumblr.

How do you drive a gay campaign on Facebook?

Ads on Instagram every fifth post are getting out of control. Even Twitter bars free speech in some areas. I wonder what all of this means for social media as a whole. Exactly — torched mine over a year ago when Cambridge Analytica stories came out.

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Your Facebook Likes reveal a lot more about you than simply what you like. They can indirectly reveal your age, race, politics, sexual preferences, proclivity towards substance abuse, and IQ. The stat geeks surveyed some 58, users of its Facebook app, myPersonality, which gave them access to all of their Likes. They then analyzed the results for patterns, compared them to what their users actually revealed in profiles and questionnaires, and correlated the two.

How accurate were they?


Per the study:. OK, I made that last one up. Probably not. Major retailers like Target have been mining data on their customers for years, looking for patterns that predict future buying behavior.

Insert obligatory Minority Report reference here. The success of the Obama re-election campaign was due in large part to how well the campaign crunched the enormous amount of data they had in order to determine who was likely to donate money, volunteer, and vote. Sorry, only the best and brightest can work there. We are increasingly at the mercy of our algorithms, potential victims of statistical noise. Got a question about social media or privacy? The new MySpace: I like it, I really do.