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But maybe his bigger need is for his long-neglected back deck to be furnished in modernist wicker.

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To be sure, linking swag with happiness is the American way. In the real world, untangling fierceness and finances can only be healthy. Just last week, anti-adoption legislation in the state where Queer Eye films served as a reminder of how plenty of people would like to ensure same-sex couples have no choice but to be dual-income, no kids.

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Even within the community, an emphasis on appearances and experiences—though maybe rooted in the liberation of being out—can create special pressures to overspend. When the team makes over an affable Trump-voting cop named Cory, for example, the grand sartorial innovation is in getting him to visit a big-and-tall retailer rather than make do with the meager clothes stocked at his grocery store.

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In one standout episode, the Fab Five transform the cluttered home of the Camp family, where the father, Bobby, works two jobs to support his wife and six kids. Much of the hour is spent at Target.

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The Target haul, including a Crock-Pot and well-fitting khakis, is practical for this family. During the one episode making over a gay man, AJ, the variables—self-actualization versus simple spending—become easier to tease out. He lives in a trendy condo of exposed brick and interactive mirrors, and he has a handsome boyfriend and close group of pals.

And the show may indeed have given him the psychic boost he needed to move to his next phase of life.

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But it more clearly, also, gave him the cash to do so. We want to hear what you think about this article.

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Submit a letter to the editor or write to letters theatlantic. Spencer Kornhaber is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where he covers pop culture and music. Twitter Email. Women often avoid intimately engaging with male acquaintances due to concerns that the man may misinterpret friendliness as flirtation or even sexual interest, said Eric M.

Russell, a research associate at the University of Texas at Arlington. In the first study, heterosexual female college students completed an online survey in which they were asked to imagine sitting alone in a waiting room with either a straight or gay male stranger. On average, women reported feeling slightly more at ease after learning the man was straight, but significantly more comfortable when the man turned out to be gay.

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The student dyads, who were told they were participating in a study on how strangers convey information about different topics, were covertly filmed throughout three distinct interaction periods. In the second period, the research assistant had one of the participants draw a slip of paper from the box, all of which asked them to describe his or her ideal romantic partner. Post-interaction, both members of straight woman-gay man SW-GM dyads reported higher levels of interpersonal rapport with their partner than those in straight woman-straight man SW-SM dyads.

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These findings, he adds, raise many new and exciting questions about whether the higher levels of intimacy, trust, and mutual respect exhibited by SW-GM dyads in the lab really translate into closer friendships, or may even serve as a prejudice-reduction mechanism for women with less positive attitudes about LGBT individuals.

Russell, E. Interesting research as I have wondered about this. Finding out a man is gay is for me like lifting a weight off, I feel my whole being relax and wondered is this weird?