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We can cope with scammers and how to help her. The problem with the romance scam is that the scammers take on other, more ordinary identities: And scammers are not just targeting the United States. Rosanna Leeman, 48, told Canadian reporters that she fell for a widower she met online who told her how incredibly lucky he was to have someone like her in his life. Men have also been victimized.
Love can make you do anything. It's one of the oldest cons there is. The scammer often claims to be working overseas and therefore cannot meet in person. After developing a relationship, he will ask for a loan, often to finish some sort of project he is working on abroad. The site romancescam. He then blackmails the victim by threatening to release the videos or photos on Facebook or email unless she pays him off.
The victim is often all too willing to believe him. A few have even accepted invitations to travel to Nigeria or another country, with frightening results. Taking some commonsense precautions can greatly reduce the risk of falling victim to a romance scam. Do your research. I've seen pictures of a guy that friended me on Instagram that claimes to be in the Marines. The pictures in his acct.
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May God keeps us away from them. This guy sounds similar to the guy I'm talking to. Since we can't share pics on here can you discribe the pics he sent. Describe him and the background of the pics? OMG Rose Your story just saved me. I've been chatting with a guy who called himself Tyler Badon for several weeks now. His story was almost identical to the one your guy gave you. The only major difference is that I am gay, so it was an ex-boyfriend who cheated on him and treated him so badly.
And now he is in Afghanistan and lonely, without family, etc. He first contacted me on Instagram and then moved our discussion to Google Hangouts.
by William Smith
I got all the undying love crap. He even sent me a little video of himself working out at the gym. And I had the same experience with questions. He asked me a zillion questions about all sorts of nonsense. But when I asked him for details about his previous life in the states or even his life in Afghanistan , he would just ignore them and disappear.
Tonight, for the first time, he asked me if I could send him an iTunes gift card so that he could download music that reminded him of me for when he was lonely and bored. I had never done that before, and I was searching for advice on how to send a gift card on a chat platform when I stumbled upon your story. After reading it, I went back to the chat session we were having and I told him I needed to send the gift card by postal service. Of course, he would not give me his address.
So I blocked him from Google communications services and Instagram. I feel like such an idiot.

But I am eternally grateful that you shared your story. You kept me from going down what might have been a very costly path. I wish there was some way we could warn others about these schmucks. Or, even better, get law enforcement involved and rounding up all the profiles until they capture the creeps. Anyway, thanks again for sharing your story. I'll try not to be so gullible next time. I've been talking to this Tyler Badon for a few weeks now myself. Everything identical to what you have described. Yesterday is when he asked for an ITunes card which I did not send as it immediately seemed fishy.
I'm proud of myself to see the red flags when I saw them but so embarrassed that I fell for everything else. MarkD, I think I may be talking to the same guy! He followed me on Instagram and asked to chat in Google Hangouts! He says that he is in the Army and stationed in Afghanstan. This man asked me for money o blocked him then my Facebook page got hacked so I went back to hangouts to tell him off, he started out saying oh god honey iwould not do that, then he got mean, and said i know where you stay I got people watching you.
You got 3 days to buy me a ITunes card or I am going to have you kill. The Foe followed me on Instagram and later sent me a message he immediate asked me to communicate w him over Google Hangouts and then said that his exit papers for the oil rig along w money were in a parcel in Belgiumand he wanted me to be the heir to help him get his parcel - Andre Chris He also goes by Andre Cristian declared his love to me told me he wanted to marry him and I said yes!
People pls flee from these types of scammers. The same thing happened to me the same story oil rig engineer Nelson Andre.
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Need money for shipment. He says he is working on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico and his account has been on hold while he is away. His life is a serious of calamities. First it was money for his sick son, then his phone needed updated so I sent iTunes cards, then his son was robbed and needed a new laptop to continue his schooling. Now he wants me to accept a package with money and precious jewels inside.
I have told him many times no he gets angry and calls me names. He has my old address, email and phone number.